Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"History Made in Nordic Combined"

The U.S. Team made history today in the Nordic Combined competition in which the various countries utilize 3 or 4 skiers to do the Ski Jump early in the day and then follow it up with a Cross Country Race later in the day to determine the Medals.

The U. S. has historically struggled in such events with the favorites always being the Northern European Countries of Norway, Sweden and Finland and Austria. Well we broke through today with our first Medal ever (Silver) and had the Gold within our reach until the last few hundred yards which is a pretty awesome accomplishment.

I'll be wrapping up my tribute to the Games over the next couple of days as the access to my images is running thin. Anyway I hope some of you enjoyed my mini tribute to the Games and will continue to watch as the U.S. attempts to have a record setting Winter Games!

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