Saturday, February 13, 2010

"Love the Snow"

I miss the snow... occasionally. There is a part of me that would love to get the huge amounts that the Northeast has received lately, but it would have to be gone in a week or two (and with no flooding). It's always nice for the kids to experience some snow at home and to go a little crazy for a while. But I too enjoy just getting out and trying to be a little creative. In fact I was out in my backyard till about Midnight walking around popping off my flash along with a flashlight working to "light" a 115 ft Oak tree. I apologize to my neighbor, Mort, for freaking him out with the late night activity. So above is my "Oak tree" along with some other images from earlier yesterday.

Also, please keep and eye out for some images to come later today and all during the course of the Vancouver Winter Olympics. I'll provide a little more details in my next post...

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