Saturday, June 13, 2009

Too much Fun...

I did a session yesterday with awesome clients and friends, the Van Zandt's. They are such a great and fun family and I thoroughly enjoy every Session I do for them. This one was even more special because Maggie's mother, Mary was in town and participated in the Session. And on top of that, it was their oldest daughters birthday, Sophia. Sophia who is now three has truly taken to the role of Big sister. Although you can see how her personality and individuality shines, she is always there to watch after her little sister, Bailey. It is so fun watching the interaction between these two sisters and I know it will only get more interesting as they get older. I'll let several of the very many images speak for themselves... Enjoy!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

He's Here...

A few short weeks ago I had the opportunity to create some maternity photographs for a fantastic young, successful couple, John and Kristina. They were eagerly expecting the birth of their first child around the second week in June. Well I am extremely happy to say that a beautiful baby boy, Christian Lee, was even more excited to see them! He was born a little early (May 26th) but more importantly he was born healthy and strong. Unfortunately in the work I do for the Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Organization, I get to see far too many babies born early who do not even survive. As difficult as that process is, this obviously is such a wonderful experience which I am truly honored to be entrusted with to create such important memories of this child of God. As often is the case upon finishing a session, I often think of the images that I didn't have time to create. Yet at the same time I certainly know how exhausting it is having a newborn so I try to tread lightly. He was a joy to photograph and he has some great parents to guide him through the years. I hope you enjoy the samples I have included here.