Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Beautiful Day of Portraits...

I had an opportunity to photograph the children of Dalia Faupel, the Atlanta Editor of Go City Kids fame. She has two wonderful children and I absolutely had a blast not only photographing them, but just watching the interaction that they had with each other. Although the age difference is about three years, you can certainly see the the affection that they have for each other. We couldn't have asked for any better weather as it was about 70 degrees with a slight breeze. They were both full of energy which made it fun trying to keep up with them. Although I enjoy every aspect of my work and feel blessed to do this for a living, the really fun part is just documenting kids being kids. They grow up far too fast and I'm seeing it and realizing it every day with my own children. Above are a few random images from the session...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Getting back in the groove...

I hate to say it yet again, but I've been extremely tardy with my blogging as things have been quite hectic. With Easter this weekend I wanted to take a moment and put a few of my favorite Bunny portraits from our recent promotion at PLAY in Roswell. These events are quite rare for me as I don't often photograph clients in short time blocks and back to back. I just prefer to draw the personalities out of the subject and with short sessions, this isn't often possible. But with that being said, I had a blast and I couldn't have asked for a more appropriate location as the facilities at PLAY are incredible and the area where we set up worked really well. I just want to again thank Colleen from PLAY for her support. We are discussing other collaborations so please keep an eye out for future events.