Friday, September 14, 2007

Been real tardy...

Hi folks, I'm finally back to bloggin' and PROMISE to stay on top of this and keep it up to date. Its been a hectic two months since I last wrote. I'll add some portraits that are long overdue and as I said continually update the blog with more pictures on a regular basis. I'll start with a few images from a wonderful client who's lovely daughter celebrated her first birthday not too long ago. We did a brief indoor session and then went to a local park before she ran out of gas. Turns out she (Sophia) had been running a fever, but you would never know it by the pictures or by her attitude which was constantly upbeat. Her Mom had asked for a rich, classic blackbackground so that we could do some fine art black and white portraits and we really captured her incredible personality.

Although she cried when her mom was wanting to change outfits, this is one of my favorite images because it is real. In wanting to always remember the different traits and emotions of my own children (which you will see shortly), I know that they are not always happy, so...

At the park she was soooo good. She had just recently started walking, but you would have never known it as she was doing really great and doing everything I and her fantastic parents asked of her. And again, she was doing all of this with a fever and some pretty toasty temperatures!

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