Thursday, February 18, 2010

"Soaring in the Halfpipe"

Talk about some big air! Shawn White and the rest of the group of competitors were doing phenomenal tricks that boggled my mind. I just don't know where these guys are going to go next but it seems that they keep managing to come up with something else wilder than before.

This sport has grown so much and so fast since I photographed the Halfpipe in Lake Placid. Those guys blew my mind but the current group offers no comparison. And the women can bring it too. I was pulling for Hannah Teeter to win Gold again after seeing the personal story they ran on her and what she did after winning the Gold Medal 4 years ago in the Turin Games. She has done amazing things with her fame since that point and is making a huge contribution for Children in Africa as well as the folks of Haiti. A Silver Medal is still not too bad!

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